Updated Website
If this is the first time you have visited the website since last year you may have noticed that it has a new look. Overall our website format has significantly changed. The "myevent" platform, in which this website resides, has made significant changes to the appearance and layout of our website. You will notice a few changes. One major change is that the pages are now listed under the "Menu" dropdown tab in the upper right hand corner. The look of these pages may also be different from before. Namely, the "Classmates" page format has changed. The classmates are now listed in last name alphabetical order and the images and content are larger. However, you are still able to review and update your current picture or content. Most of the content is from the 50th reunion. So we encourage you to review and update your "story" and add a current photo, if necessary. Please follow the instructions to "Edit Your Profile".
If you have any comments or questions about the website, please list them on the "Message Board" page.
Recap of our 55th Year Reunion Weekend!
We did it!!
Our reunion weekend was an absolute blast, filled with memories, fun, laughter, and reconnecting with old classmates and friends. It was a weekend to remember, and we want to share some highlights and express our thanks to the Reunion Committee for a job well done.
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Weekend Recap:
Friday Night Social Hour: We kicked off the weekend at the Gold Dust Saloon on Friday night, reminiscing about our high school days, sharing stories, and making new memories. The Taco Bar menu was provided by the generous contribution of Dan M. and Tom H.
Saturday Morning Golf: Some of us teed off at the Walking Stick Golf Course in the morning for a friendly round of golf. Estevan F., Dave B., Louie M., Mike M., Mary Jo D., Bob M and Robyn C. were all competing to see who had the best shot. It was a fantastic way to start the day, and the camaraderie on the greens was truly special.
Saturday Happy Hour and Dinner: Saturday evening was the main event, and what a night it was! We gathered at the Sangri de Cristo Arts Center for a memorable evening. The evening's events kicked off with Happy Hour. The Happy Hour appetizers were graciously donated by Donna and Pat J. The evening program was mc'd by Bob M. and Robyn C. During Happy Hour, we had a Treasure Hunt of Classmates' Experiences, led by Tom H., in which classmates discovered what others have done over the past 55 years. It was a unique opportunity to find unusual and interesting things about our life experiences and to learn about each other in a fun and meaningful way. The night was filled with laughter, toasts, and great conversations.
Also during the evening 2 videos, produced by Tom H., were also shown. The first one was a fun look back of high school and 50th-year reunion photos and the second one was a touching Memorial video remembering the Shamrock classmates that we have lost since high school. The links to each are shown below. It's suggested that you view them on full screen for better effects.
To view the slideshow of photos from our high school years and from the 50th-year reunion from 5 years ago please click on this Slideshow Link:
55th Reunion Slideshow
For the Remembrance Memorial Video please click on this Memorial Video Link:
Memorial Video
These videos are also on the "Classmates" and "In Remebrance" pages, respectively.
Sunday Morning Brunch and Tour: We wrapped up the weekend with a delicious brunch and an interesting tour of Bojon Town. Joe and Pam K. hosted us to a traditional Slovenian breakfast of homemade potica, ham, and eggs, served in their home next to Eilers Bar, which has been in the family for several generations. The tour was an amazing journey through their beloved neighborhood, Bojon Town. It was a morning of learning, connecting, and celebrating the charm and history of the place we call home.
There are too many people to thank individually, especially the Reunion Committee, for making this a memorable weekend. But to all of you who contributed your time, money, expertise, and resources...and to those who traveled near and far to be with us over the weekend, we extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation!! Your presence made the weekend truly special, and it was a joy to reconnect and make new memories together.
If you would like to be involved in the planning of the next reunion we need all the help we can get. It will be a great opportunity for you to reunite with some classmates to plan the next event. If interested, please contact Bob Mayber, robert.mayber50@gmail.com or Robyn Ruede Caponi, robyncaponi@hotmail.com
If you attended the 55th reunion events and took pictures, we would love to have you post them on the website, if you would like to share them. If so, please post them on the "Photo Album" page. Nancy Kerrigan was able to post of number of pictures. You should check them out. Thanks, Nancy.
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We would also like you to go to your page of the "Classmates" page and add any comments or update your profile.
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SPONSORS AND DONORS: A special "thanks" to all of those who donated or contributed to our weekend event, including Dan M., Donna & Pat J., Tom H., Robyn C., Bob M., Tom R., and Joe & Pam K., Kathy A., Estevan F., and John C. Your generousity made the weekend experience more memorable.
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PLEASE NOTE: The original 50th-year Reunion recap is still posted on this website for those who would like to go back and see what was done during our Reunion in 2018. (See "50th "Reunion Recap" page)
If you have any questions or comments we encourage you to post them on the "Contact Us", "Message Board" or "Guest Book" pages. We would love to hear from you.
We look forward to seeing you again at the next one!!
Your 2023 Reunion Committee:
Robyn Ruede Caponi
Donna Skube James
Bob Mayber
Tom Hocking
Dan Montano
John Carleo
Mike Mudd
Joe Kocman